The Best Daytrading Education Available

We offer a variety of trading automation in Futures, Options, and Forex, and continue to add new platforms regularly.

Each platform has a unique instrument, trading strategy and risk portfolio, and it is important to understand the differences to find out which program is most appropriate for your needs, your budget, your risk tolerance, and your financial status.

Please bear in mind these are software programs - at no point does Target Trading or its affiliates have possession of your trading account, take deposits of your account or the like. The software is added as a mechanism to your account, and you as the owner retain the ability to enter or exit trades manually, manage risk and/or contract size, turn on or off the software, or close the account.

Here is a brief summary of the different trading automation programs. For further explanation of the programs, continue scrolling down or schedule a Discovery Call with a member of our team!

All New:

Unlock the Power of Dual-Directional Profits!

Introducing Ratio Trade(r)™, a revolutionary approach to trading that blends the dynamics of futures and options trading to create an unparalleled "net neutral" strategy.

  • Dual-Directional Trading: Harness the potential of the market moving in either direction. With Ratio Trade(r)™, your futures trade goes one way while the options move in the opposite direction, letting you profit as long as the market is active.

  • Limited Risk, Unlimited Profit Potential: The beauty of Ratio Trade(r)™ is in its simplicity - your maximum risk is only the premium cost of the option. Your potential to profit hinges on the market moving, providing opportunities both upward and downward.

  • This is a Letter of Direction product, so it operates as a fully automated experience for the user! We lease the software to you - our partner Capital Trading Group handles your account and the trading!

Software Matrix:

Click the image to enlarge!

Futures Trading Programs

We offer a variety of Letter of Direction programs for futures trading - where the Broker - a professional trader - trades our software for you in your personal account. For a full explanation of how Letter of Direction works, CLICK HERE.

Q8 Algo Trader

Q8 is an automated algorithmic trading system that uses a counter-trend trading model, taking advantage of overbought or oversold positions.

  • Traded on a 4 Minute Chart

  • 8 markets are traded (CL, Euro, 30 Year Treasury, Gold, Russel, Nasdaq, S & P, and the Dow Jones)

  • Up to $200 risk per contract per trade

  • Average 5-7 trades per day, but no top or bottom barrier

  • Only trades during US “Pit Session,” no overnight holds

  • Can be leveraged if the user wants, but recommended $10,000 account size to start, Letter of Direction only

StrikeZONE Algo Trader

Strikezone is an automated algorithmic trading system that uses a return to the mean model, taking trades when the market moves two standard deviations from the mean.

  • Traded on a 15 minute Chart

  • 8 markets are traded (CL, Euro, 30 Year Treasury, Gold, Russel, Nasdaq, S & P, and the Dow Jones)

  • Up to $500 risk per contract per trade, when possible moves to breakeven at $250

  • Average around 7 trades per day, but no top or bottom barrier and may often take none if there are no indicators

  • Only trades during US “Pit Session,” no overnight holds

  • Can be leveraged if the user wants, but recommended $25,000 account size to start, Letter of Direction only

Futures Portfolio Management system

Futures Portfolio Management is a comprehensive Letter of Direction program that takes longer term, longer hold positions in up to 25 different futures markets. The system uses a return to the mean model, taking trades when the market moves two standard deviations from the mean.

  • Traded on a Daily Chart

  • 25 different futures markets are traded

  • Never fully out of the market, generally holds 7-10 positions, but may hold up to 25 positions at any time.

  • Trades are made by 7:30am EST if they are to be made.

  • Trades can and will be held overnight, longer term (meaning increased margin requirements)

  • Can be leveraged if the user wants, but recommended $45,000 account size to start, and as much as $350,000

  • Letter of Direction only


FOREX Software

Our Forex trading software is only available in a PAM Pro format through our brokerage partnerships. Each program is vetted and tested to ensure consistency and reliability.

Q10 ALgo trading system

Q10 is an AI-based algorithmic indicator that weighs nine separate indicators at their optimum time to identify, enter and exit trades. For more details on how the Q8/10 program works, CLICK HERE.

Q10 does not set a specific Take Profit (TP) or Stop Loss (SL) in the program, as the strategy is based on identifying trends, in a method called Trend Following. Trend Following is a strategy that seeks to capture gains through the analysis of an asset whose price is moving strongly in a particular direction. In this context, trades can vary in duration, ranging from a period of seconds to a few hours, but it is designed to be back in a cash position by end of trading day.

***ONLY available for those eligible to trade Forex outside of the US***

Options Trading Automation

SPY A Options Strategy

A systematic, weekly options trade based on a daily trend.

  • SPY Call or Put options are purchased on Friday at 3:45pm EST

  • During the week, trades can be rolled up or closed depending on the read of the indicators.

  • Still retain manual control to roll your trade, contract number (leverage), or opening and closing any trades at the same time

  • Trades can and will be held throughout the week

  • Automated if through our partnership with Tradier brokerage

  • Recommended minimum account size of $5000, though you control the leverage.

Equity Portfolio Management

Create synthetic stocks using options with automated software. The program uses controlled leverage and multi-level risk management. The idea is to take the “meat” out of big moves, rather than catch the bottom or top of a move.

  • Unlimited upside potential - ride the equity up, and leverage it!

  • Defined risk by using options

  • Systematic method that works when the market goes up or goes down

  • Three account sizes ($8,000, $18,000, or $25,000 or any multiplier thereof)

  • Fully automated at Tradier brokerage