The trading landscape is evolving at lightning speed. With an influx of new traders and advanced technology becoming accessible to everyone, finding a competitive edge is more critical than ever.
That competitive edge is technology. From cutting-edge indicators to intuitive trade assistance and powerful automated software, the right tools can redefine your trading experience.
We've meticulously scoured the market to identify and endorse top-tier software platforms, each uniquely crafted to serve distinct trading needs. The right software isn't just an enhancement – it's a game-changer. On the flip side, choosing the wrong tool can be a trader's worst nightmare.
At the core of the Target Trading Academy is a single ethos: to make our students the most successful possible traders they can be. In addition to our classroom time, library, and live trading rooms, we also offer a variety of different technologies to assist and enhance the students’ trading capabilities.
Want to figure out which technology works best for you? For your risk tolerance, your trading strategy, your style… get the best technology for you!
All New!
Trade Assist & Execution Software
Automated Trading Software
Futures trading automation
We offer a variety of Letter of Direction programs for futures trading - where the Broker - a professional trader - trades our software for you in your personal account. For a full explanation of how Letter of Direction works, CLICK HERE.
options trading automation
FOREX Trading
Our Forex trading software is only available in a PAM Pro format through our brokerage partnerships. Each program is vetted and tested to ensure consistency and reliability.